& Education
Fewer Devices
of Devices Secured
Trees Saved Per Year
Projected Savings Per Year
Client 1
We approached one of the largest higher education systems in the world with the premise we could save them $10M per year.
Like many higher education systems, student enrollment is in decline, faculty and staff headcount is also pressured. For public institutions, states are increasingly challenged to continue funding at historic levels. This combination has resulted in deficits that needed to be closed.
Given the decentralized nature of the institution, every campus was charged to operate independently. The number of manufacturers, the number of devices, and the associated costs were unknown. In addition, operating independently and losing the leverage of the entirety of the organization ensured the rates were not competitive.
In our findings campuses with an existing MPS contract were actually paying more than campuses that treated print as a commodity.
Our cloud technology was certified by the CISO and deployed systemwide to hundreds of thousands of workstations and tens of thousands of devices.
From this holistic baseline, we developed a data-driven strategy that:
- Centralized decision-making and budgets by campus
- Focused on simplifying administration multiplied many thousand times over
- Standardized to just one hardware and one software vendor
- Reduced the office fleet by 72.5%
- Secured all networked devices with badge authentication and enabled smartphone release
- Exceeded the sustainability priorities
The print policy and print procedure were approved by the Board.
Before COVID, we estimated a $10M per year save; since COVID the projection is amended to $15-18M savings per year.
COVID has taught us that we can live, teach and grade without paper creating a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build a lean, efficient, simple, secure, and sustainable future.
A campaign targeted to “Cut Paper” was deployed to help students prepare for a less-paper, digital economy, more simple, secure, and sustainable.
This client has saved >$20M over the past two years attributed to COVID. Moreover, this client now has a perfected view of what every campus has and spends, with a scoring and ranking system to highlight the best.
Fewer Devices
Fewer Clicks
Total Cost Savings
Client 2
This Top 5 Defense Contractor was deep in a six-sigma quality project to build an enterprise print media strategy that moves away from paper, is more efficient, and digitally enabled.
We introduced the fact that devices don’t print, people do. To manage all print, managing people by changing the culture was of the utmost importance.
We fully deployed technology to ensure accurate data was captured, results were based in fact, and were holistic across all 10 print centers.
We worked side-by-side to build an enterprise strategy that leveraged all forms of communications, digital, and an alignment to fewer, more capable vendors.
As the results will show, pennies in print matter.
The user analysis led us to identify both the heavy users and the paper-based processes that were driving print.
Fleet was rationalized and 40% fewer devices were placed; 45% fewer clicks were printed; and 42.5% total cost savings.
By optimizing the 4 print centers (down from 10) the four remaining were much more profitable and we eliminated those print centers that had contracted and paid for, millions of clicks not being used.